Ground rod lengths vs number
Richard Harrison wrote:
Jimmie D. wrote"
"One way to determine the low frequency effectiveness of a ground is to
connect the hot side of the power mains to the ground through a fuse and
see how big of a fuse you can blow."
Replace the fuse with a light bulb. If a high-wattage light bulb burns
brightly, the earth connection is good at the power frequency.
Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI
Tried that, I couldnt discern the difference between a 10 ohm ground
and a 25 ohm ground. The "blown fuse method" really works well and is
no where as dangerous as people make it to be. I Have a little deal
made up out of PVC pipe with a fuse holder and neon indicator to let
me know whether the fuse blew or not.
Please tell me, how is this any more dangerous that troubleshooting
under the chassis of a tube receiver.