On Oct 8, 4:57 pm, IBOCcrock wrote:
On Oct 8, 4:52?pm, RHF wrote:
Future HD Radio Chips from Texas Instruments (TI), University of
-by- Glenn Fleishman - 2 June 2007http://groups.google.com/group/hd-radio/msg/e4b55d7ff8f29bec
* Their aim is reduce the Chip count, requiring just a
single Chip for all analog and digital tuning.
* The fewer Chips, the less cost not just for Chips
but supporting circuitry.
* HD Radio cannot become mainstream until Radios
featuring the Technology are available in every form.
CopyRight ?2006 Glenn Fleishman - All Rights Reserved.
Digital AM FM . Com -http://digital-am-fm.com/
Texas Instruments, UA work on HD Radio Chip - Aim is to
shrink size, lower cost by picking up both Analog, Digital Signalshttp://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/185792
-by- David Wichner - Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona - Published: 06.02.2007
Industry's Lowest Cost Single-Chip AM/FM and HD Radio
Baseband from TI and iBiquity Digital Corporationhttp://www.physorg.com/news498.html
Two new Single-Chip HD Radio basebands :
# 1 - Offers HD Radio Technology only
# 2 - Combines HD Radio Technology with Analog AM/FM.
+ PLUS +
Samsung Plans Low-Power, Low-Priced Chipset for HD Radiohttp://www.rwonline.com/pages/s.0101/t.5975.html
- - - Radio World OnLine - 11 Mayo 2007
Chipset is due out in the 1st QTR 2008http://www.theretailbridge.com/archives/view/?publication_id=2&releas...
hy dee ray dee oh ~ RHF
Hello and Welcome to the "HD Radio" NewsGroup
HD RADIO =http://groups.google.com/group/hd-radio/
These chips will make no difference, as consumers do not buy radios
anymore. Cell phones companies are not intereed in HD Radio, as Clear
Channel tried to stream its staion on Sprint but gave up. I was in a
Ford dealership today buying my boys a new car and the salesman got HD
Radio mixed up with Satellite Radio and the guy in charge of
installing HD radios had not installed a single one. They are however
very excited about Sync, as they have to get "certified" in it before
it comes out in 2008. Many of the Ford cars have factory-installed
Satellite Radio sitting on the lots. LOL!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
IBOC Crock - DOH ! - Read the + PLUS +
Samsung Plans Low-Power, Low-Priced Chipset for HD Radio
- - - Radio World OnLine - 11 Mayo 2007
Chipset is due out in the 1st QTR 2008
FWIW - These Chip-Sets are being 'designed' to be
able to be placed inside Celphones, iPods etc . . .
1st the iPod - 2nd the iPhone - Next the iEverything !
what's in your apple ? ~ RHF