The Thrill Of SWL
Look I don't want to start a trolling or a flame war but in my early
days of SWL with my Star Roamer that I built from the kit, I found it
really exciting to listen. The ship-to-shore on 3 or 4 MHz (mcs back
then) was the NY Marine Operator and there were phone conversations to
listen in on, then there was the international BC with radio Moscow
giving their take on world news and of course hams all over the place.
Well now some 30 years later, I'm bored with the whole thing....yeah I
try to catch a slight Gander Radio every now and then or still the
international stuff that might be in English. But for the most part,
the thrill is gone; unfortunately.
I hate to say it but I'll probably get rid of the Eton E5, Panasonic
RF-2200 and the R-390, having lost interest in this one-time exciting
hobby. (well, maybe not the R-390...)
I don't ask for comments or critiques...just wonder if there's others
that share my disappointment. And certainly most everything that can be
listened to can be found on the Internet (with somebody else's Internet
controlled SW receiver).
(in northern NJ)