"Arrow146" wrote in message
Not sure the 269 is much of an upgrade. I have had two,
first one I sent back because the UHF part did not work
right. The second was exactly the same. I know of others
that had the same problem.
Bummer. I wanted it to add 440 to my tuning abilities. sigh Well, maybe by
the time I can afford one they'll get the bugs worked out.
The older 259 had problems with the selector switch.
Bingo! I've been having said problems, on some bands I have to hold the
switch just right in order to get it to work. Is there a simple fix, other
than to send it back to the factory?
The 259B fixed that problem. I like the 259B, works
just fine.
That's good to hear.
The Autek is ok, a little harder to use, I think.
Needs a new battery every time I go to use it.
The switches takes a little getting use to.
Not familiar with the Auteks, may have to look at them.
de Robert / N4IXT