Thread: Cecil's Math
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Old July 11th 03, 04:54 AM
Posts: n/a

It is a bit early to move to the complexity of directional couplers.
I am still stuck on how energy can flow through a point on the circuit
where the current or voltage is always 0.

There are two voltages and two currents. Sometimes they are 180 degrees
out of phase and their sum is zero. But those waves don't know each
other exists. Someone forgot to tell them that they aren't supposed
to carry any energy so they just keep on carrying energy.

Using instantaneous Power = Vinst x Iinst, the power at such a point
must always be 0, leading to the conclusion that no energy is flowing.

No *NET* energy is flowing but the forward energy and reflected energy
just keep on flowing, carrying an equal amount of energy in each direction.
In a transmission line with reflections, there are always forward and reflected
transactions. Please don't be seduced by the steady-state religion.
73, Cecil

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