2-meter Preamp?
On Oct 23, 2:33 am, Helmut Wabnig hwabnig@ .- --- -. DOT .- t wrote:
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 03:20:50 GMT, "998cc" wrote:
I am looking for ways to improve my receive for 2-meter SSB weak signal
work. I am running an Icom 706 MkIIG and a M2 5WL yagi. I understand mast
mounted preamps bring the signal up significantly.
Doe any one here use one for 2M SSB? What are your experiences?
Am just today experimenting with satellie in-line amplifiers,
the variety for home sat reception, cheap, small.
Some range from 100 MHz to 2,4 GHz, some have limiting
filters on the input which you can easily remove or modify.
I used one of these "bullet" preamps once upon a time and the the
improvement in reception was amazing, too amazing.This was a give away
clue that my coax was bad. When I cut the bottom end off about a cup
of water came out of it