On Oct 26, 7:39 am, David wrote:
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 06:41:22 -0700, IBOCcrock
On Oct 25, 10:03 am, David wrote:
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 03:04:41 -0700, wrote:
"Don't Touch That Dial"
"HD Radio addresses will be much like my apartment building. And
hunting for one of those extra digital channels could be like hunting
for me. The number on my building is 15. To find which apartment I'm
in somebody must first get inside the building, not easy as there are
codes, locks, bars, guards and dogs. To find the digital channel
adjacent to an FM channel - call it HD2 - you must first,
figuratively, get inside the building - tune to the main FM channel -
so your receiver can lock-on to the digital signal. Who's going to go
through all that trouble? Nobody, said Bob Harper's study... Are there
any other reasons why the digital choice around the world is iPod?"
Yup, yup, yup!
Ipod is a fashion statement. The guy in the world next to mine has an
Ipod and he listens to the same **** over and over. I find satellite
radio much easier. Turn on, tune in, bliss out.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
- - Slacker.com creams all of them!
- Turn on a computer to hear music?
David, AGREED ! ~ RHF
DOH ! - Internet Radio Ain't Radio [.]
Having to first Turn-On a Home Computer and then
Daisy-Chain it into a Re-Broadcast System to then
Turn-On an Audio Output 'device' AIN'T Radio.
-but- When Internet Radio becomes as easy as a "Toaster"
to Plug into the AC Outlet and Phone Line; and simply
Turn-It-On then it may have a 'chance' -but- WiFi and
Networking with a Home PC is not an EveryMan solution
/ alternative to a Free Over-the-Air Radio Broadcast and
Easy {Care-Free} Radio Listening.
Plus it should Cost-No-More-Than an Average Priced
Toaster, Blender, Coffee Maker or Clock Radio.
Simplicity and Easy-of-Use is where XM and Sirius
Satellite Radio have it all over so called Internet Radio.
1 - Plug the Satellite Radio 'In'
2 - Connect the Antenna
3 - Turn-It-On
4 - Turn-In and Enjoy Listening
Oops - It Ain't Free ! - The Never Ending Monthly Fee . . .
IBOC Crock - You are not only Anti-IBOC -but-
You Are Also 'Anti' Free Over-the-Air Radio Too !
iboc crock - your's is a say life - happy to be me

- happy to be able to listen to 'free' radio ~ RHF