Why Doesn't Ebay shut down Radio-Mart?
On Nov 2, 1:17 am, Rick wrote:
97.6 feedback is not too bad. Do you have facts to back up your claims?
Douche Bag wrote:
This guy is a crook. He hides his bidders list, so he can use his
various Ebay ID's to bid on his own items to drive up the price. His
feedback sucks. His descriptions are misleading. He sells Junk! Beware.
If you read some of the "positive" feedback comments, you'll see
they're not really positive. Many people will post a "positive" vs a
neutral or negative comment to keep their own feedback from being
negatively affected, From all the time I've been following this
scumbucket, he'll post bad feedback slamming even people with genuine
I just don't trust the guy. Before he made all of his auctions private
to "protect" his buyers, you could look at the items he sold, and see
that they didn't always match his glowing descriptions of the actual
item. He also uses only the small default size pictures, claiming eBay
"compresses" the pictures, causing the item to look "bad".
I'm sure you can get a good item from the guy, but I'd never take the