How to ENABLE Tornado Warnings for my radio????
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 13:35:59 -0700, Evan Platt
sayd the following:
On Sat, 03 Nov 2007 12:42:06 -0400, Crackles McFarly
The manual doesn't show a way to ENABLE tornado warnings.
It's a 12-259 SAME Weatheradio.
Is it on by default to make sure people are warned?
I've read the manual a dozen times and pressed programming buttons
until my fingers hurt.
PLEASE??? Help me, please???
Have you called or e-mailed the manufacturer? Certainly that's better
than asking here every 3 days.
Why did you feel the need to say the 2nd sentence?
I'm looking for help from experienced users in this NG, what or who
did I harm in posting this [2] times?