BC-375 "surplus" w7kgv 1948
All, I've looked over the external driver modification and have chosen
not to do it owing to the mods required to the TU's... at least at this
time. I know for a fact a rather simple xtal control mod was done to
these rigs for CAP. Our Wing had a number of the BC-191s and they
worked OK into the early 60's. Unfortunately, those who would have been
privy to the technical aspects of this don't appear to recall or aren't
around, anymore. All I can remember is that there was a little Bud Box
attached to the lower left side of the transmitter. There was no ARC-5
or anything else of consequence, outboard except I seem to recall that
this crystal oscillator drove the VT-25 (10) oscillator tube and
something about only one wire/connection associated with feedback in the
TU being disconnected? Does that seem plausible? That's all folks........