where do Iget current FCC CB license?
I spose now I won't get gigged on spelling, since I am now plonked.
There's always a silver lining to everything.
Jay in the Great Mojave Desert, ....just down the road ah ways from the
fillin station.
Miss Dinah at the fillin station store is havin another pre winter sale.
Heavy jackets with a lot of pockets, most of the hunters like these big
jackets for keeping a bottle and a gun or amo or just anything. I like em
cause you can carry a bunch of HT radios. My faverote HT radio is a two by
four 6 inches long with a 1/2 wood dowl in it looking like a antenna. When I
talk on it while hinking or hunting they go nuts trying to find what
frequency or repeater I am on, hehehehe
Gas prices going nutz again, darn.
"John Smith" wrote in message
Jay in the Mojave wrote:
John Smith wrote:
Snipped for the common good of all.
John not getting a lot play or responses on the RRAA on BPL ah?
Jay in the Mojave
I plonk idiots ...