Open Loop aka Dipole bent into a square
I was able to put a 60 foot loop of wire into my attic and am not
having much luck getting it to load up. I configured the loop as an
open loop, aka a dipole bent into a rectangle which is open at one
corner and fed with 300 ohm twinlead at the other. I'm using an MFJ
911H 4:1 and 1:1 balun to tranform the twinlead to coax and a homebrew
antenna tuner.
Using an SWR analyzer, I find the only place I can get low SWR is near
the 15 meter band and some frequency ranges above it, like 6meters and
2 meters. I was hoping the 60 foot length would help me get down to
the lower bands with some compromise, but at least I was hoping to get
there. The transmatch, which consists of 2 capacitors and 2 inductors
isn't any help at all. I've used it in the past to load up random
wires and such, but this project doesn't seem to be working.
Anyone have any experience with this sort of antenna? Let me know
what it is I'm doing wrong.
Any advice is appreciated.
Instead of using a balun and asymmetric matching unit (transmatch) I
would suggest you use a matching unit to suit a twin feeder directly
,like the EZEE Match or the Link Coupler as per the ARRL Antenna Book of
which I do have the 18th edition ,where the coupler can be found on
pages 25-11 and 25-12.
A variety of matching units to suit twin feeders can also be found on
the web site of PA0FRI.
In your current setup you could use a 1:1 Balun and clip a current
sensor on 1 lead of the twin feeder to determine where there is a
Current maximum for a mid-band frequency . For this purpose you might
have to extend the twin feeder and coil the extension inside the shack.
You would then possibly need a different length coiled up extension for
different bands.
Have a look at Cecil Moore's Web site .
Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH
Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH