"John Tartar" wrote in message
. 70...
I currently use ExpressPCBs layout s/w which is fine for my applications
and great for prototypes. But I want the option to use other vendors when
the volume gets high, i.e. selling kits.
If your volume gets higher you'll have the money to purchase software, right?
Of course, there are some pretty good 100% free options: KiCAD and gEDA being
the most well-known.
Advanced Circuits has some "free" software like ExpressPCB but you do have the
option of getting the real Gerbers (not just some proprrietary format) back
after your first order with them (see:
http://www.4pcb.com/index.php?load=content&page_id=46) -- this strikes me as
an entirely fair arrangement.