Steveo wrote:
Jay in the Mojave wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Yeah they have a unique kinda sound..and them suckers are pretty COOL
to look at! I talk to a guy outside of Detroit from time to time that
runs an elctro-voice 640 iirc straight to a kenwood 430, and his
audio cuts right though the pile everytime. He gets tired of the
compliments with it. I dunno but I been told elctro voice is mighty
bold! hehe
Look at E-Bay for those mic's I seen all kinds of Electro Voice Mics
there. Or just look around, you will run one down.
Jay in the Great Mojave Desert, ....just down the road ah ways from the
fillin station.
You know i Jay, they're out there.
Scroll down and review a few here
Hey btw I got that 520SE working, we had to replace the band-switch..I hear
that was a common problem on those rigs so no surprise. That radio is set
for a high impedance vintage studio boom mounted mic of some sort, with
those tube finals.
Tube finals into a tube amp usually makes for fairly good audio, right?