HP 312B (or A)
"VK3XAO" wrote in message
Anybody here operate the H-P312*? H-P call it a 'Selective Level
Meter', but it's a truly excellent 1 KHz to 18 MHz receiver, with AM,
AM/AFC, Beat, USB and LSB modes, digital display to 10 Hz. I've had
one for years, never given any trouble until recently when the VFO
transistor 2N708 failed. Replaced with a 2N2219, just as good as it
always was.
For years here as well. And if you take the bandwidth to 50 Hz, you can get
well below 1 KHz with the tuning. I have used mine to detect power line
frequency components out of three legged regulators. (Some good, some bad
and some ugly!) I have a number of spare boards for the B model. If anyone
is in need, keep me in mind. Wonderful box, even more so with the 313
tracking generator.