Don Bowey wrote:
On 11/20/07 9:40 AM, in article u_E0j.588$r81.428@trndny05, "Edward
Knobloch" wrote:
Look at QTH .com, HF radio / DX-100 he says it delivers 275 watts
out into a 50 ohm load..I think that must be about 300 %
efficient ..Extra class says that.. OHWELL....
He said 235W out, as visible on the Bird. He's got it dipped at 350mA,
and if he solid-stated the HV rectifiers and gets say 1KV on the plates,
it should be possible. (Granted, not for long until the 6146's give
out.) It's a very handsome DX-100.
Ed Knobloch
Don Bowey wrote
All BS aside, NO DX-100 ever made would or ever did do 235W out.
I don't know what's under that DX-100's hood (perhaps a third 6146,
per the mod appearing in the Yahoo Heathkit group archive,
or a couple of big sweep tubes) I am just
pointing out that the power output shown is consistent
with the plate current shown, assuming the original
HV transformer is used - no laws of physics are violated.
I think a pair of 6146's +might+ be able to make 235W out
using much higher than normal screen voltage,
but only for a matter of minutes before tube failure.
I'd interpret such high output on an unmodified DX-100
as a fault condition.
Ed Knobloch