It's just marketing hype Steve. Next thing you know they will be
50-mile units. A 2-watt HT would be lucky to get one mile let alone
25. Even 5-watt GMRS commercial units (like I have) are only useable
over a couple of miles unless you are line-of-sight. The ONLY way you
are going to get reliable communications over that kind of distance is
through a repeater.
Dick - W6CCD
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 19:39:12 -0500, Steve Calvin
Sorry if this isn't the right group to ask this, if not and
someone know of a more appropriate group I'd appreciate a
I currently have GMRS radios that are rated at "16 miles"
(yeah, maybe on the salt flats or over water, ok, we all
know about that). The are rated at 2W on the GMRS freq's
and .5w on FRS.
Why are the new "25 mile" units still rated at 2W? What's
the difference in the two radios to justify the increased
distance claims?
Can't be frequency or a change to the privacy codes or they
wouldn't work with older radios.
Increased sensitivity/filtering? Hype?
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