On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 22:13:29 -0800, Jay in the Mojave
wrote in :
Frank Gilliland wrote:
Yeah, I know, I yell at others for spamming their tawdry wares. But
this is in such good shape I figured it would be a crime -not- to let
you guys know about it:
Gee Whiz Frank for 100 Bucks you'd think that radio would have a bottle
opener and a compass.
Honestly, I wouldn't take any less for it. There's just too much good
stuff about it. Like how the clarifier works as a delta-tune in AM,
and how the headphone jack works with stereo heaphones...... if it
doesn't sell then I'll just keep it. Acutally, I'm tempted to pull the
listing and not sell it at all, but I just have too many radios right
Neat old radio tho. I like the 3 well light meters. Needs a D104 Mic.
Shamless Spam? Naaah I'd say its on topic.
No kelp.