Hi, I was just reading the user's manual for the MFJ-941E antenna
http://www.mfjenterprises.com/produc...rodid=MFJ-941E and on page
5, there is a warning, which reads:
"WARNING: To avoid problems, a dipole antenna should be a full half-
wave on the lowest band.
On 160 meters, an 80 or 40 meter antenna fed the normal way will be
extremely reactive with only
a few Ohms of feedpoint resistance. Trying to load an 80 meter (or
higher frequency) antenna on
160 meters can be a disaster for both your signal and the tuner. The
best way to operate 160 with
an 80 or 40 meter antenna is to load either or both feedline wires (in
parallel) as a longwire. The
antenna will act like a "T" antenna worked against the station
Half wave for 160 meters is around 264ft. So, it sounds like even with
a tuner (or at least this tuner), I would need at least this much wire
to transmit on 160 meters.
My naive understanding was that I could hang up a 100ft dipole and use
a tuner to transmit on all bands. What bands can I reasonable expect
to transmit on using a 100ft dipole and a tuner?
That last part of the warning about using an 80 meter dipole as a
longwire has me totally confused. Are they saying to snip off the
coax connector and plug the ends into the longwire connector in the
back of the tuner?
P.s. I finally have the 21st edition of the ARRL Antenna book. I'm
only on chapter 2, so please feel free to point out page numbers or
chapters that would probably answer my questions.