More Amrad notes
On Nov 28, 9:51 pm, N9NEO wrote:
I mentioned that I would post a comparison between Amrad and PA0RDT
and maybe loop too. I just want to say project has been delayed. I've
got Amrad mounted in a quiet corner of the lot with a good ground. I
ordered some nice coax today for the PA0RDT so I should be up and
running in a few days. From what (very limited) testing I've done so
far the Amrad does a nice job of pulling them in. I did hear the
local 1180am station way down the band so I will have to check that
out. Plenty of beacons and MW stations in there, but I wouldn't be
surprised if the MW loop outperforms in BC band. Overall I'm
impressed with the performance as it is good for everywhere I listen.
I used a 3 foot piece of 3/16" brazing rod with a 2' piece of 1/16"
brazing rod attached on top.
more later,
I hope you have better luck with the PA0RDT than I did. Some people
have had extremely positive experiences with them. My guess is that
it's just not up to the kind of noise I have to cope with here in the
NYC metropolitan area. In a quiet location it would do much
better...or so I suspect. Mine is now functioning as a 'noise' antenna.