Any Algore fluorescent lightbulbs around? If so, throw them away. If the
noise is generated within the band, no filters on the antenna would help,
need to suppress it at the source.
Get small AM radio and trace it.
"Topaz305RK" wrote in message
Finished up Skywarn Recognition Day yesterday, had a good time, as usual.
Had a continuing and ongoing problem however.
One of our antennas is a trap dipole that the weather service hangs from a
tower for us.
We bring our 3 element beam on a trailer.
The beam has no problems on 10-15-20, works fine.
The trap dipole works good on all bands but 80 meters.
We have so much noise it is just about worthless.
We have tried turning off as much equipment as possible in the weather
station with no success.
So - there is something that is causing the problem - but - whatever it is
we can not shut it down.
Any suggestions for a good in line RF filter for 80 meters that may help
eliminate noise?
Open to any all suggestions from homebrew to a good reliable manufactured
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Sam - K7SAM
WX7GGW - Skywarn