GUT ( Grand unification theory)
You must know that the holy grail of physics is GUT which is now
gyrating towards
relatavistic theory out of delusionment with Newton. Newtons laws are
around equilibrium with respect to gravitational forces. Maxwells laws
do not
but we are in the same universe so it is reasonable that both sciences
Gauss's theory of statics evolves around equilibrium with respect to a
of static particles held within the limits of a gravitational force
Newtons terminology.Adding a time varient brings the stage to a
arrangement with respect to Maxwell. On the way we learn about
being maintained by adding full wave length radiators to Gaussian law.
We then see that the resultant of the transition from Gauss to Maxwell
type radiation formula becomes the equivalent of a "tank" circuit
where if the
radiator is diamagnetic the static particals can rest on its surface.
We also know that levitation is created when current flows followed by
a magnetic field
which ejects the particles outside the immediate gravitational field.
So with science being what it is, today where we have computor
programs built around
Maxwell's laws that can be used to deduce radiator dimensions with
respect to shape
and elevation positions when maximum horizontal polarisation is
Thus modern day computors provide the answer as a full wavelength
radiator that is
at an angle to the earth of just under 80 degrees.
Now I had no input with resect to the design of Maxwellian computor
programs but I have
messed with some jigsaw puzzles where it is well known that the first
placed on the table determines the speed of the process. So I invite
you to ask
your computor program to deduce the style of a radiator that produces
the maximum
horizontal polarization and then determine if Maxwell would have
helped himself
and all science by adding a time variant to Gaussian law and
incorporated it into his own?
Put the request into your Maxwellian based radiation computor program
if you are
not to lazy, where you will learn details of the GUT that Maxwell
failed to provide.
The holy grail is no more!
Best regards
Art Unwin...KB9MZ...xg (uk)