Midland Full Band T 734
On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 20:29:38 +0100, jarekts wrote:
Does anyone have any experience with the Midland Full Band T 734 antenna or
similar? The question is, is it necessary to tune its SWR for receiving
only, or that doesn't matter? When I had typical 5/8 antenna, it was
extremely important to cut it to the correct size, it had a huge influence
on receiving. But I don't know if it's the same for Discone antennas, so
that's why I'm asking.
I don't know the Midland Full Band T 734 antenna.
But, if it's a discone, any cutting you might due will only affect its
minimum low frequency spec. It'll be 'good', then, from that freq on up
for several octaves -- for slelected definitions of 'good'.
Marvin L Jones | jonz | W3DHJ | linux
38.24N 104.55W | @ config.com | Jonesy | OS/2
*** Killfiling google posts: http://jonz.net/ng.htm