Kudos to HAMS...
radiosrfun wrote:
You're right - NO ONE complained of antennas before - why now?
I am on council here - and an issue came up regarding Antennas and towers.
Being a "ham" myself - was able to thwart any issues there. When "Zoning"
came in - I questioned "their" rules on Towers and Antennas. Theirs are
limited to "Commercial" towers - with regard to fencing, posting of signage,
Some people in some areas are just too damned particular.
By Federal law, TV and radio receiving antennas, dishes, and so forth,
for household (non-commercial) use, are exempt from local restrictions
(including any and all HOA covenants). I don't know if this exemption
extends to ham radio antennas or not, but I would think that a pretty
good case could be made.