AB9GO wrote:
I'd rather have ten antennas than those 3 fugly giant water tanks near
my house!
Actually - at ground level - they're pretty well camouflaged - they're
not tall - about the same as a two story house. There are tall trees and
such blocking the view from most directions- except through the tall
fence where that property faces the street - but that's quite limited
and on a busy main thoroughfare.
That picture was zoomed in pretty far - "that stuff" is a lot further
away than you might suspect - and that makes it hard to judge how close
things are together, how much something "really" sticks out, etc.
Here is where that shot was taken from - not zoomed in:
You cans still see the tanks - but you gotta look. Besides we'd rather
put up with that than the brown air of downtown (and this was a *very*
clean-air day after some heavy rains!):
Shot from the same place- just turned towards downtown.
best regards...
randy guttery
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