On Dec 18, 8:31 pm, wrote:
On Dec 18, 1:02 pm, RHF wrote:
The Verdict {One Man's Opinion} : Magnetic Longwire Balun Is Too
-by- Alan Johnson
-source- Hard-Cord-DX website :http://www.hard-core-dx.com/
The Most Common Antenna Type
Randon Wire Antenna Problems
Enter the Balun
The Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB)
In the Laboratory
After Four Rainy WeekEnds
I also did A-B Comparisons
* The Results
The "Resistance" Curve for the MLB
The N8KDV Transformer
A-B Testing was very Revealing.
* Recommenation
How Essential is a Perfect Match?
Based on Price and Performance
The MLB Definitely Wins
Originally Published in the NASWA Journal - July 1992
-by- Alan Johnson [N4LUS]
Magnetic Longwire Balun (MLB)http://www.universal-radio.com/catal...http://www.dol...
-by- RF Systems - MSRP Price ~ $60
Alternative "MLB" - MLB-1 Magnetic Longwire Balunhttp://www.palomar-engineers.com/MLB-1/mlb-1.html
-by- Palomar Engineers - MSRP Price ~ $50
NOTE - While the 'N8KDV Transformer' is presently Not Available.
WinRadio does offer the LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapterhttp://www.grove-ent.com/WR0130.htmlhttp://www.winradio.com/home/lwa....
-by- WiNRADiO - - MSRP Price ~ $40
READ - Good Deal on 9:1 Matching Transformerhttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/27e40978fdc32ac0
-by- William Fieldstone
More WinRadio LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapter Postingshttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/a77d380609eec5...
iane ~ RHF
- I've got a Palomar magnetic balun sitting on my desk.
- Once I got the Wellbrook,
What specific Wellbrook Product ?
- - - i want to know ~ RHF
- the magnetic balun became a paperweight.