Can somebody please explain?
On Dec 19, 9:40 pm, "Frank103" wrote:
I bought an Eton 1 from Circuit city as a Christmas gift and it was
delivered yesterday. I took it out of the box to check it out. I live in the
Las Vegas area which has about 15 AM stations and 25 FM stations. The Eton 1
could barely bring in about one-half of those stations. Just incredibly poor
reception. The whip antenna made very little difference when it was
extended. I don't have an outside antenna; it was just plug and play - and
it didn't pick-up that much to play. I mean here's a worldband radio that
can't get stations 30 miles or less away. Am I missing something? Thanks in
Like all Grundig/Tecsun/Eton SW radios, the Eaton **** E1 is exaclty
that! It lacks an internal ferrite-bar and satrad antennas, and the
dials/switches are cheap, wobbly plastic. Not since the DX-440 and
ICF-2010, has there been a decent SW radio.