conceptual questions about antennas
On Dec 21, 6:26*am, wrote:
Dear All,
I have some beginners questions regarding antennas:
*** Why is it difficult to design and construct HF transmit antennas
for high power PEP, compared with low power 100 W?
Conceptually what is the difference between the two in design,
material construction?
Why do people find the high power harder to design and construct?
*** I understand that omnidirectional antennas transmit in all
directions with almost equal gain. Is it hard to design HF antenna
with directional gain in one direction and minimum in other
How is this done( conceptually): electrical length, material
*** HF wire antennas: can these be for high power transmission and
directional gain ( guess the would always be omnidirectional)?
*** How is angle of transmission with the horizon (elevation)
controlled in a HF antenna ?
*** Can receive antennas also be diectional or are they always
omnidirectional receiving from all sides?
Do receive antennas have power ratings?
Thank you
Dear Vijay,
Please consult the ARRL ANTENNA HANDBOOK...
They will answer all your questions...