Eton E1 S/N 1902
On Dec 22, 2:40*pm, "Pete KE9OA" wrote:
I received it yesterday. Performance is pretty good, with the exception of
the crummy low contrast display. MW performance is similar to a good auto
radio when using the whip antenna.
I did try out the radio with a Radio Shack passive loop antenna. MW
performance is pretty respectable with this configuration, although you have
to keep the loop antenna away from the display in order to not pick up that
radiated hash.
I wouldn't want to pay 400 or 500 dollars for this radio, but at 239 dollars
shipped, it is a good deal.
It reminds me of a giant sized Sangean ATS-909, although performance is
scaled up a bit. If the display backlight could be changed to yellow, the
contrast would improve a bit. Somebody must have been drunk when they
implemented that part of the design.
Pete - Enjoy your new Radio ! ~ RHF
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