Standing-Wave Current vs Traveling-Wave Current
"Tom Donaly" wrote in message
. net...
Dave wrote:
"Tom Donaly" wrote in message
Dave wrote:
"Yuri Blanarovich" wrote in message
the REAL answer is that the 'standing' wave is a creation of
experimenters 100 years ago who didn't have the impedance, current,
and voltage measurement tools we have today, and didn't know of or
understand superposition. 'standing' waves are nothing but a result
of superposition of the forward and reflected waves, they have no
physical significance beyond that. it is worthless to talk about
power or energy in them since they can always be broken down into the
component waves which make more sense to work with.
No physical significance?
Like there is no frying the Hustler loading coil from the bottom up
(due to standing wave current) or corona flames from the tip (due to
high SW voltage) when applying a bit of "worthless" power?
not due to 'standing' waves... that is due to the superposition of the
forward and reflected waves. They are the real waves, the 'standing'
ones are just figments of your imagination.
Superposition doesn't work in the environment Yuri described. You've
been hanging around Cecil too long.
Tom Donaly, KA6RUH
ARGH! i was too nice saying that the ancient guys that started the name
'standing' waves didn't understand superposition, neither does everyone
in this group! YES, superposition works in this case, why would it not
Evidently, you haven't done enough reading. Yuri is right this time.
Tom Donaly, KA6RUH
Yuri is trying to say that standing waves have real power, they do not. I
have shown that in my last big post on here. The one part he properly
states is that the effects are due to standing wave voltage. The voltage is
indeed real, as i have said. you can measure the 'standing' wave voltage,
that has been known for a long time... but the effects are NOT due to power
in standing waves.