Standing-Wave Current vs Traveling-Wave Current
Dave wrote:
"Gene Fuller" wrote in message
Dave wrote:
[tons of utter crap deleted]
So what do you take away from this?
1. Standing waves have no physical significance, they do not represent
power or energy, they do not obey ohms law, they are ONLY a result of
superposition of the voltage and/or current waves in the line.
2. can you measure standing waves? Yes, of course. that is how they got
their name, you could measure them and they didn't seem to move on the
line. but this is only because simple measurement tools can't distinguish
the forward and reflected components that make them up.
3. if you want to talk about power and energy you MUST use the individual
traveling waves.
It appears to be useful that you choose to be anonymous. Otherwise it
might be embarrassing.
Rather than all of that handwaving nonsense about Ohm's Law and such, why
don't you show us how standing waves fail to satisfy the Maxwell
So what do you take away from this?
Standing waves and traveling waves have equal legitimacy. There are many
cases where multiple model descriptions completely capture the physical
reality. There is no reason to say that one description is more
fundamental than the other.
'standing' voltage and current waves DO satisfy maxwell's equations, ohm's
law, and superposition. you have failed completely to see my point, its
power waves that are the illegitimate children and must be bansished
forever. maxwell's equations are overkill for this exercise, ohm's law and
the simple power equations are all that is necesary to show the
inconsistency, why muddle it with details. after all if you can't
understand ohms law and calculate power properly you have no hope of
understanding maxwell.
"Power waves" is a standing joke around here. The last person to
seriously consider such things is Cecil, and he now denies ever saying such.