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Old December 24th 07, 07:32 PM posted to
Dave Dave is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
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Default New Electricity

here you go art! a kindred spirit!! on sci.physics.electromag

"Abonito" wrote in message

New Electricity

Magnetic Field Due to Current

The model proposed by Maxwell that relies on the current loop and is
worked out by Gauss an example of fluid mechanics (to make the mathematics
beautiful and easy), and is based around the Pythagorean philosophy of
perfection is not only just a bit out by completely wrong based on the
wrong principles. The correct answer is by using the concept of
4 -perspective with virtual photons emanating from individual electrons
drifting through the fixed positive charges in a conductor. The relative
movement of the charges makes an electrostatic force between current
carrying conductors. I the case of alternating current the real photons
emitted by the electrons as the change from one velocity to the next in
the particle in a box ladder (quantum mechanics) interact with the
electrons around them to cause them to change energy according to the
rules of quantum mechanics. This gives rise to a calculation (integration
round the loop) that shows that another current loop inside has a force of
compression on it and a net force that tend to move it to a position
symmetrical about the axis. The force is higher near the current loop and
drops towards the axis. Measurements support this. Since a solenoid is a
series of loop this is true for these too.

The concept of flux flowing through a loop of current driven like a
corkscrew that concept that is wrong. The mathematics the gauss used is
correct it is the physics that is wrong.

There is no electric field. The force between electrons is carried by
virtual photons that connect one electron with one electron in another
place. It is an exchange force. They do not drop in force with distance
the density of photons varies with distance as the inverse square of the
distance so the probability of interaction goes down with distance, for
massive objects it gives you the inverse square law of coulomb.

The electron itself is a photon that cannot propagate because of its own
self gravity. The enclosed self energy is such that the photon cannot
propagate. "Stuck light" in fact. This photon is waving outside the stuck
place so its influence can be felt over an infinite distance. In fact,
using the group x phase velocity = constant we have that for electrons the
group velocity is 0 and the constant is c so the phase velocity is
infinite. so for some interactions like entanglement (a consequence of
Fermi (electrons come in pairs - up and down) ) then the change of an
electron up to down that is tangled with it pair 10 light years away will
be felt instantaneously and the other member of the pair will change from
down to up with no loss of amplitude.

This might be of interest too ...

A virtual particle is one that does not exist (by definition).

In classical electromagnetism radiation from a dipole there are two
Hertzian waves, the space wave that leaves the dipole and carries energy
and momentum with it and the induction field which does not radiate but
whose energy
passes back to to the radiator.

The space wave is a radiant energy field whose power is E.X.H (the vector
product of E and H) this is known as Poynting's (it is a man's name)
vector this has a frequency f. Now this actually consists of (E x H)/hf
photons per second each having an energy hf. These photons are the result
of transitions inside the conductor of the dipole as the electrons jump
from one level to another (according to microwave theory this is at the
permitted frequency of
the exciter) as they do so the emit a photon carrying the energy hf, the
total momentum change. They do not weaken with the inverse square law they
connect with another electron in a random manner such that all their
energy and total momentum is taken up by the electron. The density of
these photons diminishes as the inverse square of the distance and with
the polar diagram of the radiator.

The induction field is the one with the virtual photons they do not
propagate and collapse back to their emitting electrons.

Mutual and Self Inductance

Mutual and Self Inductance are quantum mechanical effects involving
photons inside the inductance. Think of Fyneman.

The acceleration of charges generates photons according to hf where the
frequency of the sinusoid exciter if f and h Planck's constant. The
number of photons is the energy of the sinusoid divided by hf. These
photons are emitted and absorbed during the cycle making inductance. The
photons are emitted by one electron when it makes a transition to another
level the step is at the energy corresponding frequency of the exciter it
is connected only to one other electron that changes its energy by the
same amount, the photon also caries the angular momentum associated with
the transition, this is the change of angular momentum and the vector
difference in momentum between the two energy states. The photons interact
randomly without any loss of energy, momentum or angular momentum but the
distribution of the interactions means that the density falls according to
the inverse square law and the radiation polar diagram. This applies to
mutual and self inductance and to normal radiation from a wire.

When a solenoid is subjected to a step function then the photons have a
distribution of frequency similar to a radiating black body (see Planck
who worked out the messy equation) and are re-absorbed at the same time
causing the effect of self inductance.

If you make a single loop of wire bent into a circle and pass a regulated
1 amp current through it you will make a "magnetic field". According to
Gauss you have to imagine it is there and calculate accordingly. Then
comes an extraordinary performance of human intellect beginning with the
magnetic shells
construction that shows that the field is uniform across the plane of the

According to Carl Popper we should now measure it to see. Using a compass
as a tangent galvanometer with the earth's field as a reference you can
measure the relative strength of the field in the region of the magnet by
measuring its deflection (according to the field theory). I have done this
and the field is about three times higher near the wire than at the
centre. This disproves the magnetic shell construction.

Another basic algorithm is the idea that a series of loops is like one
loop multiplied. Well if you do the same thing for six turns then the
compass measurement is the same near the wire than at the centre.

This shows that the basic algorithm of what is true on one is true of many
as one times the number of repetitions, is false.

I would like to propose a different model: that the magnet is responding
to spin-spin interactions as a quantum mechanical effect. These are
entirely electrostatic in nature.

The magnetic field does not exist it is fictitious.

The model of the magnetic effect of current is in reality the Lorenz
contraction of the moving electrons relative to the fixed charges in the
wire and the electrostatic force is mediated by virtual photons.

Since the electrons always occupy the same space in the wire even though
they are moving it shows that special relativity is an effect like

The inductive effect is in reality caused by the acceleration of
electrons. Now these little charged particles are governed by quantum
mechanics and the energy states up the ladder are discontinuous and the
electrons jump from one state to the next the two states overlap and
during the transition a fluctuation occurs and a photon emission occurs,
just like the hydrogen spectrum.

This photon interacts with just one electron in another wire or the same
wire and imparts momentum and energy to change the electron from its
original state to its new state. This also means that the photon carries
momentum both
linear and angular and energy.

This is both mutual and self inductance.


Electromagnetism theory reached its pinnacle in the nineteenth century
with Maxwell's famous equations.

Let us take two examples.

The case of two parallel conductors carrying current.

1. Currents parallel.

The current is a slow movement of electrons with fixed positive charges.
electrons are moving parallel in the two wires so are stationary relative
to each other. The positive charges are seen as moving. According to
Einstein's theory of relativity the length of the positive charge is
contracted as seen
by the electrons and so the electrons see an increased charge density over
the charge density of the electrons. This makes the force of attraction
between unlike charges slightly greater than the force of repulsion
between unlike
charges. This means that there is a net force of attraction.

2. Currents anti-parallel.

The electrons are now moving anti-parallel and so they see a length
contraction of the other electron charge. The positive charges are also
seen contracted but not as much. So the electrons are seen as having a
greater charge density than the fixed positive charges. Thus the force of
repulsion of like charges is greater than the force of attraction of
unlike charges. This means there is a net force of repulsion.

Induction. Consider two conducting wires parallel. One conductor has an
alternating current flowing in it. This means that the electrons are
accelerating and thus their electric field lines have a kink in them so
there is a transverse component this field moves the electrons in
the other wire. Thus producing an induced potential. The magnitude of the
induced potential would be proportional to the rate of change of the
current in the first conductor.

Case 1) Currents parallel;

The positive charges are fixed and charges in wire I repel those in wire 2
with a force per meter of +(Ne.Ne/r)eO where N is the number of electrons
in 1 meter and r the separation in meters, eO is the permittivity of free

The electrons in wire 1 see the electrons in wire 2 as fixed as well so
they see a force between them of +(Ne.Ne/r)eO

The electrons in wire 1 see a force of attraction between them and the
fixed charges in the wire but because there is relative motion the force
is -(Ne.Ne/r)eO/sqr( 1-(v/c)2).

The electrons in wire 2 see a force of attraction between them and the
fixed charges in the wire and this again is -(Ne.Ne/r)eO/(sqr( 1-(v/c)2)

so the total force is +2(Ne.Ne/r)-2(Ne.Ne/reO/sqr( 1-v/c)2)

this is: 2(Ne.Ne/r)eO( 1- 1/sqr( 1-vIc)2).

1/sqr(1-(v/c)2)=(l-(v/c)2)(-l./2) = (1+(1/2)(v/c)2 ) to a first term
approximation for low velocities.

so the force is approximately: 2(Ne.Ne/r)eO( 1-1 +( 1/2)(vIc2)

2(Ne.Ne/r)eO( 1/2)(vlc)2= (Ne.Ne/r)v2/c2=(Nve.Nve/r)eO/c2

since Nve=I the current then the force is + (iA2Ir)eO/cA2 since WIcA2uO
the permeability of free space then the force is µO(i.i/r) the normal
answer found by experiment.

In the case of the currents anti parallel the analysis is similar but the
result is a similar force of repulsion.

The hr force law is derived by integrating along the wire with wire
elements repelling other wire elements by the inverse square law.

This is a well known result from electrostatics. So magnetism is actually
the same as electrostatics and does away with any need for magnetism. This
simplifies things but invalidates electromagnetism theory.

In the case of a curved wire as in a circular loop the force on an element
carrying current is:

µO(idLidl/r2)Sin(theta) where theta is the angle between them (biot-savart
proved above). To find the force on an element in a circular loop you
integrate all round the loop.
The point at distance r from the axis at an angle psi from the vertical is
a distance 41 from a point on the circular loop a distance P. from the
axis (the radius) and an angle chi from the vertical experiences a force
between the two elements of(r angle psi - R angle chi) using r and psi
fixed integrate for fixed R and clii going from 0 to 359 degrees using
numerical methods.

That gives a net force towards the centre that increases from the axis
towards the wire as the value of r is varied for each integration.

If you use a loop of wire inside carrying a current the force tends to
push the loop to the centre.

These principles can be used to design machines that contain plasma for
generating power using alternating current, transformers and motors using
less iron than is usual and levitating ovens that can purify metal in a
vacuum without needing a crucible.

Since the interaction between wires in a transformer is by photons and not
by this fictitious force of magnetism the electrons in one wire connect to
the other by the photons emitted as the velocity of individual electrons

This means we do not need the heavy Iron laminations, the connection is
electrostatic in nature (by photons) so the iron should be between the
wires that are interacting, this applies to self-inductance as well so the
best results will be by putting dust iron in resin and embedding the wires
of both windings by potting in this resin containing dust iron. Or use a
low loss ferrite.

Because the permeability is related to the permittivity of an dielectric
by the velocity of light then a dielectric may be used but the value is
much smaller. µ(e/c2) here u is the permeability and e the permittivity.

The reasoning below shows that there is no magnetic field it is a false
concept. Iron filings are not an indication of strength at all. It is a
This theory is based around the special theory of relativity and the
relative motion of electrons and fixed charges in a conductor.
With alternating current the electrons are accelerating and generate
photons at the exciting frequency and this radiation is responsible for
other aspects of electromagnetism. This includes the induction of current
in one conductor by alternating current in another.

Consider two conducting wires parallel. One conductor has an alternating
current flowing in it. This means that the electrons are changing their
energy and emit photons at the exciting frequency these are emitted in
random directions like a messenger with the energy change and momentum
(angular and linear) and these are absorbed by electrons in another
conductor nearby and this information is transferred by photon collision
to make the electrons in the other wire move thus inducing an current.

In all these cases no magnetic field was required to account for the
phenomena involved. So invoking Occum's razor, the magnetic field in not
required and so does not exist. Consider two long straight copper
conductors each carrying the same current in the same direction. The
electrons move together at the same velocity in each cable. They repel one
another. The fixed positive charges repel each other. However the
electrons wire A attract the fixed charges in wire B but because the
electrons are moving relative to the fixed charges they will see a higher
charge density than the charge density due to the electrons in B so the
attraction of electrons to fixed positive charges is higher than the
repulsion between the
same number of electrons in B. Similarly for electrons in wire B and the
fixed positive charges in wire A. n=number of atoms per meter e=electronic
charge d=separation l=length P=permittivity v=drift velocity of electrons
c=velocity of light
The force of repulsion is P*2*((e*n)^2)*l /d (= F)
And the force of attraction is P*(2*((e*n)^2)*l/d)/sqr(1-(v/c)^2)
So the resultant force is F-F/sqr(1-(v/c)^2)=F(1-1/sqr(1-(v/c)^2))
= F(v/c)^2/2
= (P*2*((e*n)^2)*l/d)(v/c)^2/2
= (P/c)*(((e*n*v)^2)*l/d)
=(P/c)*i^2*l/d (e*n*v=i)
So P/c is the "permeability" and the force is proportional to the current
squared and the length but inversely proportional to the separation. There
is no need for the idea of the magnetic field. There is no magnetic field

Experimental Test

Karl Popper has explained the scientific method. Use the predictions of
the theory and test experimentally when judging a philosophical idea.

Science in only science if you carry out experiments to test the theories
of yourself or another. To play philosophical games with words and
equations is not science.

Go get a bit of wire make a straight part 40 cm long and connect it to a
constant current source of say 1 amp.

Get the old electrostatic kit out of the 18th century box and using a
glass rod wiped with silk make a pith ball coated with gold leaf charged
by bringing the glass rod close to the ball and touch the ball briefly
with a finger. The ball will be repelled by the glass rod.

Put the pith ball (suspended by a silk thread from a curved glass stand)
near the wire and note the deflection from the vertical when the current
is switched on.

I predict it will be repelled if negatively charged and attracted if
positively charged. (confirmed)
A bar magnet is in fact a group of spinning electrons which are coupled by
spin-spin interactions (Quantum mechanics) that are mediated by virtual
photons again a force that is electronic and connected to the Lorenz
contraction.. The force on another bar magnet is actually due to spin-spin
interactions (Quantum mechanics) which is electronic and related to the
Lorenz contraction. A loop of wire carrying a current is again interacting
with another current carrying conductor by the electrostatic force
(mediated by virtual photons) and is again a result of the Lorenz
contraction. The calculation to use is the biot-savart hypothesis (force
between current elements) integrated. In view of this new insight we
should re-name magnetism as the "Lorenz force". It also means that many of
our reasoning based on observations made 300 years ago before Einstein
developed his special theory of relativity are misconceived as they are
based on the wrong model.

The Gaussian construction of magnetic shells does not come into it there
is no magnetic flux or lines of force.

As a disclaimer I will point out that I am not the first or only person to
point this out.

There is no electric field.

The force between electrons is carried by virtual photons that connect one
electron with one electron in another place. It is an exchange force. They
do not drop in force with distance the density of photons varies with
distance as the inverse square of the distance so the probability of
interaction goes down with distance, for massive objects it gives you the
inverse square law of coulomb. The electron itself is a photon that cannot
propagate because of its own self gravity. The enclosed self energy is
such that the photon cannot propagate. "Stuck light" in fact. This photon
is waving outside the stuck place so its influence can be felt over an
infinite distance. In fact, using the group x phase velocity = constant we
have that for electrons the group velocity is 0 and the constant is c so
the phase velocity is infinite. so for some interactions like entanglement
(a consequence of being fermions (electrons come in pairs - up and down) )
then the change of an electron up to down that is tangled with it pair 10
light years away will be felt instantaneously and the other member of the
pair will change from down to up with no loss of amplitude.
This might be of interest to ... A virtual particle is one that does not
exist (by definition). In classical electromagnetism radiation from a
dipole there are two Hertzian waves, the space wave that leaves the dipole
and carries energy and momentum with it and the induction field which does
not radiate but whose energy passes back to to the radiator. The space
wave is a radiant energy field whose power is E.X.H (the vector product of
E and H) this is known as Poynting's (it is a man's name) vector this has
a frequency f. Now this actually consists of (E x H)/hf photons per second
each having an energy hf. These photons are the result of transitions
inside the conductor of the dipole as the electrons jump from one level to
another (according to microwave theory this is at the permitted frequency
of the exciter) as they do so they emit a photon carrying the energy hf,
the total momentum change (think of it like a messenger). They do not
weaken with the inverse square law they connect with another electron in a
random manner such that all their energy and total momentum is taken up by
the electron. The density of these photons diminishes as the inverse
square of the distance and with the polar diagram of the radiator. The
induction field is the one with the virtual photons they do not propagate
and collapse back to their emitting electrons.
A static charge is surrounded by virtual photons and these give rise to
the force between charged objects. In reality an electron is a stuck
photons and it interacts one on one and onto with one stuck photon in
another place in a random manner like Schrödinger's matter waves. The
virtual photon has to "travel" from its base at the stuck photon but can
only be seen by its interaction with another stuck photon. It does have
its influence at the speed of light, I think. Think in terms of the stuck
photon being an electron and the electron spending some of its time
elsewhere in a random manner and it collides with stuck photons elsewhere.

Try thinking in terms of a photon as a "messenger" with numbers attached:
the momentum change as a vector and angular momentum change as another
vector. It looks like a short burst of electric wobbles, but in fact it
is the signal from a distant electron interfering with itself as it
settles to its new state. The influence is the electron itself waving that
is felt at a distance.