Up to his old games - here's the most recent 'won' auction:
The 'lucky' bidder wanked it up to $2000. Of course, we all
know that Radio Mart uses alternate IDs to shill bid his own stuff
into the stratosphere, and occasionally ends up the high bidder himself.
Whereupon he has to reslist cuz the 'buyer' failed to pay (he sure
gets a LOT of 'non paying bidders' doesn't he!!)
Sure enough in this case, cuz he's just relisted it:
Of course, he always says 'non paying bidder' - naturally.
But hey Martyn - we all know you like to occasionally win the
shill auctions yourself! Have fun paying those Final Sale fees to
Ebay on your shills - or do you report yourself as the non-paying
bidder perhaps?
Did you know that shill bidding, even on Ebay, is illegal in all 50 states?
Just curious...