Thanks for your reply.
It's CODAR. Radar applications used to measure coastal currents. See
the following URL:
In a previous thread, the CODAR speculation was discussed, but due
to the extremely powerful signals, heard across the U.S., it was
felt that this was a less than well-disclosed emission. CODAR
is according to various sites describing existing systems, low
power. Quoting from the site you referenced above:
" Each remote site contains two antennas and a small 6'x 8' shed.
One antenna (left) transmits a radio wave out across the ocean
surface. The power of this transmitted signal is only 40 watts."
Any amateur doing QRP would envy the punch of this signal at only 40w
if this is truly the source ;-)
Other listeners to the signal around 4800kHz have claimed to hear
various associated signals, mode changes, and other strange
activity. One speculation is a test of OTH radar and a possible
association with Naval exercises (foreign services).
Ergo, has anyone learned anything more definitive about this?