George S Thurman wrote:
I friend tells me that he hears on World of Radio that KAIJ Dallas may be
leaving the air soon.
Does anyone have any more info on this?
** U S A. KAIJ remains off the air from 9480 and 5755. On Dec 27, GM George
McClintock told me that the owner of Two If By Sea, Mike Parker, has not
informed him of his intentions for KAIJ, but he is currently working on higher
priority projects. He has not revealed to anyone when it will return to the
George adds that it`s sad that KAIJ is off SW, since it was so successful in
Asia, getting a lot of mail for broadcasts in English, including from people in
China well-educated in English, and was just starting to broadcast in Mandarin.
George is not aware of any imminent sale of the station, despite rumors about
For the time being the webcast is still running, altho it may not be updated.
WOR 1386 ran Thu Dec 27 at 1600 instead of the new 1388, or even last week`s
1387, but they have agreed to put the latest WOR on successive webcasts, such
as Fri 1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)