"Policy Ham" wrote in message
.. .
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Mark shows every indication of finishing this year with a flood of
mindless material posted to r.r.a.p. and often crossposted to other
newsgroups. I have little doubt that he'll begin the new year by doing
the same thing.
His Hughes provider will likely take no action against his abuse unless
and until each of you who'd like to see this and other newsgroups
cleaned up, begin forwarding each and every one of his posts, header
intact, to the Hughes abuse address.
[correction below]
If enough repeatedly complain of his moronic post and repeats of old
material, this plague of stupidity can be ended.
Dave K8MN
Thank you Dave. Yet another FB post from you.
73, sir.
Poor poor pitiful marqueer.
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