On Jan 1, 11:37*pm, RHF wrote:
On Jan 1, 9:16*am, wrote:
I must be doing something right because we had another power outage
last night,
or early this morning from 1:00AM until 3:00AM.
I had restrung a 50' random wire antenna from the WR LWA-0130 Long
Wire Antenna Adapter mounted under the eves to a fiber glass pole tied
to a fence post.
I compared three antennas, a Lankford "Simplified Complimentary
the same antenna with a built in Lankford "Norton RF amp" and the
After a few tests I dropped the active with the built in Norton RF
amp. Simply put,
there is still too much background noise to make the amp useful.
I A/B tested the other 2 from CB, 27.035 had a nice distance
conversation, down to 100KHz Loran *C. As expected the Lankford
"Simplified Complimentary Antenna' was the winner. At every frequency
the signals were cleaner on the Lankford antenna, though in many cases
the difference was just noticeable.
At 3:03AM when the AC came back on, the LWA-0130 and 50' random wire
antenna became nearly useless. The QRM jumped up to at least S3 up to
15MHz on the LWA-0130. The noise increased on the Lankford active
antenna rose as well, but never reached S1.
As I thought, if one lives in a remote RFquite area the typical random
antenna is clearly a worthwhile antenna. In built up and noisy areas
utility decrease.
I admit that I need to mount the LWA-0130 at least 50' from our home,
that isn't practical right now.
All Those Dallas Lankford Designed Active Antennas . . .
Need a Guide to What-is-What.
A = Lankford "Simplified Complimentary Antenna" (SCA)
B = Lankford SCA with a built in Lankford "Norton RF Amp"
1 - Lankford redesigned PA0RDT micro-whip
with a base mounted Lankford amplifier ? ? ?
2 - *Dallas Lankford "Simplified Complimentary Antenna" (SCA)
Push-Pull Output Active Whip Antenna
-by- Dallas Lankford - 12 DEC 2007
DL-SCA [TINY-URL*] -http://tinyurl.com/34qbf2
* For this very long Link/URL :http://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/Antennas...ementary%20Pus...
3 - Lankford Micro Active Antenna ? ? ?
4 - Dallas Lankford's Simpler Active Dipoles {Antennas}http://www.kongsfjord.no/-&-http://w...gsfjord.no/dl/
Low Noise Active Antennas AC/DC Power Supplies (PS)
-by- Dallas Lankford - 17 FEB 2007
DL-PS [TINY-URL*] -http://tinyurl.com/2va2a6
* For this very long Link/URL :http://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/Antennas...ve%20Antennas%...
-Note- Page # 3 Has a "Info" on more
new Active Whip & Dipole Antennas
5 - Stock PAORDT Mini-Antennahttp://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/Antennas/Simplified%20Complementary%20Pus...
6 - Dallas Lankford - LW-MW-SW "Relay Tuned"
Fifteen Foot (15') Noise Reducing Vertical Antenna
DL-15V [TINY-URL*] -http://tinyurl.com/2ncu3n
* For this very long Link/URL :http://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/Antennas...20Tuned%20Nois...
This Lankford 15' Relay Switched Antenna.
It is elevated* with a set of 16 15' elevated radials.
* Mounted about 3' (1M) above the ground.
CopyRight © Dallas Lankford - All Rights Reserved.
Kongsfjord - 70°43'N 29°21'E -Main WebPage-
Welcome to the KONG DX-Pedition WebPages.
KONGSFJORD -http://www.kongsfjord.no/
CopyRight ©www.kongsfjord.noAll Rights Reserved.
The Dallas Files {-aka- Dallas Lankford Files}http://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/dl.htm
All Articles on these WebPages are CopyRight © by Dallas Lankfordhttp://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/Dallas%20n%20Muffy%204-05.JPG
Collection of Useful Modifications and Projects
-by- Dallas Lankford
-hosted by- Kongsfjord.No website
-Note- These Files are in the "PDF" format and require the use
of Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to View and Print them properly.
Antennas and Pre-Amplifiers -by- Dallas Lankford
-hosted by- Kongsfjord.No websitehttp://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/dl.htm#Antennasand preamplifiers
CopyRight © Dallas Lankford - All Rights Reserved.
-Note- These Files are in the "PDF" format and require the use
of Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to View and Print them properly.
List of these Dallas Lankford Antennas and Pre-Amplifiers Files :
* Close Spaced Phased MW Verticals
* Common Base Transformer Feedback Norton Amplifiers
* IIP2 Adjustments For Active Whip Antennas
with FET Gate Bias Adjustment NEW !
* Loop Antenna Sensitivty
* Low Noise Active Antenna AC/DC Power Supplies
* LW-MW-SW Relay Tuned 15' Noise Reducing Vertical Antenna
* Measurements of Some Antennas Signal
to Man Made Noise Ratios
* MW And LW Noise Reducing Antennas *UPDATED !
* MW Filter # 3
* Simplified Complementary Push-Pull Output
Active Whip Antennas UPDATED !
* Some of My Favorite Small Antennas for MW and LW
* SW Filter # 2
* Variations Of Misek's Center Fed Micro SWA
FWIW - Dallas Lankford resides in Ruston, Louisiana -USA-http://www.kongsfjord.no/dl/Dallas%20n%20Muffy%204-05.JPG
Ruston is along the I-20 between Shereveport and Monroe
in less-south {northern} Louisiana.
needed a guide to track all the antenna references ~ RHF
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Simplifying the Dallas Lankford "Relay Tuned" Fifteen Foot (15')
Noise Reducing Vertical Antenna for Shortwave Listening (SWL) Only
WRT - # 6 - Dallas Lankford - LW-MW-SW "Relay Tuned"
Fifteen Foot (15') Noise Reducing Vertical Antenna
DL-15V [TINY-URL*] -
* For this very long Link/URL :
CopyRight © Dallas Lankford - All Rights Reserved.
This is basically a Dual-Band "Relay Switched" Passive {meaning
Non-Amplified} Vertical Antenna using a Matching Transformer;
Ground Rod; and Line Isolator.
If you did not want the AM/MW Band and Longwave Band coverage;
and are 'only' Interested in the Shortwave Bands between 3 MHz ~
18 MHz : A 'non-relay' Single Band Passive Vertical Antenna would
be simpler choice.
100% PASSIVE : +No Relay +No DC Power Required
The Original Lankford :
For the 8 MHz ~ 30 MHz High Shortwave Band this Antenna uses a
4T to 10T (1:6) Matching Transformer at the Base of the 15-Foot
Vertical Antenna mounted on a 4~8 Foot Ground Rod.
Plus a 4T to 4T (1:1) Matching Transformer as a Line Isolator.
MODIFIED : For General 'Middle' Shortwave Radio Bands :
60 Meters - 4400~5100 kHz
49 Meters - 5800~6300 kHz
41 Meters - 7100~7600 kHz
31 Meters - 9250~9995 kHz
25 Meters - 11.50~12.16 MHz
22 Meters - 13.57~13.87 MHz
19 Meters -15.00~15.825 MHz
For a 4.4 MHz ~ 15.9 MHz Shortwave Band coverage this Antenna
would use a 8T to 20T {-or- 7T to 18T} (1:6) Matching Transformer
at the Base of the 15-Foot Vertical Antenna mounted on a 4~8 Foot
Ground Rod.
Plus a 8T to 8T (1:1) Matching Transformer as a Line Isolator.
Antenna Side-by-Side : The Lankford Vertical -v- The Doty Inverted
It would be interesting to build one and run it along-side a "Doty"
Low Noise Inverted "L" Antenna using a 10T to 30T (1:9) Matching
Transformer at the Base of the 15-Foot Vertical-Up-Leg mounted
on a 4~8 Foot Ground Rod with a 30~45 Foot Horizontal-Out-Arm.
Plus a 10T to 10T (1:1) Matching Transformer as a Line Isolator.
-Note- Separating both Bases of the Antennas by 30-Feet or more.
iane ~ RHF