Grundig G5's clock
msg wrote:
RHF wrote:
On Jan 1, 10:00 pm, Greg wrote:
I must be incredibly nerdy, because I spent 10 minutes the other day
getting my new G5's clock to click over at the exact moment the minute
tone on the WWV station began.
I've noticed, however, that after a few hours the minute clicks over
before the tone, and in fact after a day, up to 4 or 5 seconds. Has
anyone else noticed the G5's clock not being very accurate?
Greg - It's a 'portable' AM-FM Shortwave Radio
-not- a WWVB Radio Controlled Clock. ~ RHF
But it should be; I feel that _any_ clock in a SW rcvr that is also
used for controlling the rig should be radio controlled. The chipsets
are so cheap now that cost is really not an excuse. Since the clock
is embedded in a rcvr, the mcu could select the source WWVB, WWV, CHU,
etc. as propagation dictates.
I don't know of any clocks that synchronize automatically to WWV or CHU.
As far as I know there's WWVB and a station in Germany.
The cheapest most accurate clocks are the ones that use the AC mains for
a timebase.