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"Carter-k8vt" wrote in message
William Sommerwerck wrote:
Is there any chance you could retake that photo with
about 1 stop more exposure?
Exposure? Seems close enough to me.
On my monitor -- which has been huey-calibrated -- it's awfully dark.
But seeing as we are starting a "wish list"... :-) wish would be reducing the size of that file from ~500k down
to maybe 50k? (Anything bigger than ~50k that will be displayed on
a computer monitor is a waste). The 500k file is mildly slow loading
for DSL and an eternity for anyone on dial-up.
I was startled at the 2.5MB size of the second photo, especially as it shows
severe compression artifacts which, for a file of that size, it should not
have. (My Olympus E-500 can take 1.5MB JPEGs that produce sharp,
artifact-free 12x18 enlargements.) If you like, I'll post one.
I agree that 50K to 100K JPEG should be enough for a Web posting. The image
should be reasonably sharp, and if it shows any artifacts, they should be
limited to a bit of scan-line aliasing ("jaggies").
I would urge Brian to check his camera's settings. My guess is that it's set
for too much compression and unnecessarily high resolution. It's my current
opinion -- which might change -- that high compression degrades the image
more than low resolution. I therefore have my Olympus set for 2.7:1
compression (the lowest possible for a JPEG) and 1200x1600 resolution.