Thread: MFJ or Autek
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Old November 7th 03, 04:29 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

The MFJ does NOT display the sign. But, I don't find this to be a
problem because decreasing reactance with increasing frequency is
CAPACITIVE and increasing reactance with increasing frequency is

Hi Dave, The MFJ-259B manual states this is "usually" the case, and that is
what I always do. Usually and always are not exactly the same. I do seem to
remember this discussed a few years back, and someone provided evidence this
was not always the case. They quoted Smith Chart proof. For the life of me I
can't find the thread, and haven't had time to play with the chart to confirm.
This method always (so it seems) works for me, but there are always exceptions.

For instance, a G5RV's feedpoint reactance is +j160 at 9.17 MHz and
+j98 at 9.18 MHz, i.e. decreasing reactance with increasing frequency.
As the anti-resonant point is approached, the resistance increases but
the reactance decreases with increasing frequency.
73, Cecil

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