John Smith wrote:
John Smith wrote:
lw1ecp wrote:
At last!. I had been looking for vacuum tubes homebrewing for ages.
Very good job. Of course, having all the needed tools does help!. Does
anybody know about vacuum pumps homebrewing??? :-)
Daniel Perez
If you wish to go the vacuum pump route, an old refrigerator unit can
pull a vacuum. I would think you would need at least two in series
with a small tank (reservoir) in between the pumps ...
I was thinking, a couple of air conditioning compressors off autos would
make a heavy duty vacuum pump.
At one time I was thinking of finding a vacuum pump and bell jar to make
a chamber for the vacuum depositing of aluminum on glass for making
telescope mirrors. You need a two stage pump because a GOOD vacuum is
required to make a hard coating on the glass. Such chambers usually
first clean the glass with an ion bombardment using an electron gun
assembly or high voltage discharge.