On Jan 10, 3:27*am, RHF wrote:
On Jan 10, 2:21*am, "Burr" wrote:
- Dear Sir.
- I am Dr Wilfred Shahdan Johari. I a Malaysian citizen
- working with Auditor generals office Malaysia.
- I will like to discuss a confidential issue with you,
- please provide me with your contact information
- and the best time for us to discuss
- Burr
BURR : Oops - You've Got "Malaysia Flim-Flam" SPAM !
While I Say : *Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF
And Remember "ABbH" AnyBody but Hillary* in 2008 !
NEWS HEADLINES - The Man on the Radio Said : "Recession"
BBC - "Recession in the US Has Arrived"http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7176255.stm
. . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !
ABC-RA - "US Recession Would 'Impact' Upon Australia"http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/01/10/2136072.htm?section=bus...
. . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !
CRI - "China Vows to Stabilize Prices, Prevent Price Hikes"http://english.cri.cn/
. . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !
Alex Jones -WWCR- "Top Economist Says America Could
Plunge into a Recession" . . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !http://www.infowars.com/articles/eco...economist_says...
The Power Hour - "Morgan Stanley Has Issued
a Full Recession Alert for the US Economy"http://www.thepowerhour.com/news..htm
. . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !
IRN Radio Network - "Merrill Lynch Economist: U.S. Already In
. . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !
USA Radio Network - Business News "Talk of Recession"http://www.usaradio.com/business_news_details.php?catid=0&storyid=2129
. . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !
(OT) : The Great Depression of 2008~2012 - The Hillary Clinton Yearshttp://groups.google.com/group/rec.radio.shortwave/msg/92260672c73bd6bc
. . . and it's President Hillary's Fault !
The Thought of Hillary Clinton becoming the US President
HRC =http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton
"IS" Causing the Markets To Tank
* All Her New Programs an New Bigger Taxes Will Bring About
an Economic Recession . . . cause it's President Hillary's Fault !
* This 'becoming' *Economic Recession has started in 2007
and will increase in 2008 . . . cause it's President Hillary's
Fault !
-Note- Partially-Due-To a "Do Nothing" Democrat Controlled Congress.
-ps- It Ain't All Hillary's Fault in 2007 & 2008
-but- It will become so once she is President.
* By 2009 when Hillary is sworn-in as President People there
will be US Citizens Waiting in Gas Lines and Standing in
Food Lines . . . and it will because it's President Hillary's Fault !
* We will have a Great Depression for Hillary's four years.
1461 Days of Recession . . . cause it's President Hillary's Fault !
* Followed by Eight Years of Recovery by Any-Body-But-Hillary.
Hillary R. Clinton will go down in History {Her-Story} as another
Herbert Hoover. -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Hoover
The current Economic Recession in the USA has started in 2007
and will increase in 2008 with the US Presidential Race.
"Note- Partially-Due-To a "Do Nothing" Democrat Controlled Congress.
- - - It Ain't All Hillary's Fault
-but- It will become so once Hillary is President."
Even the Congressional Democrats will start blaming
"The President" {Hillary} -if- Economic things get bad enough.
it's a 'vision' thing - now please hand me my glasses ~ RHF
Remember "ABbH" AnyBody but Hillary* in 2008 !
Stay Out The Clintoons ! ~ RHF
12 JAN 2008 - Once again the Man on the Radio this Morning Said :
There is a growing Consensus of Economists that we are Headed
for a Recession -due-to- The Expected Presidency of . . . H.R.C.