On 12 Jan, 16:49, John Smith wrote:
art wrote:
[interesting, inciting stuff--as usual]
I think what goes on in a resonant cavity is far from boring, or, even
absolutely known ...
However, such be as it may. *Damn brits are probably psychic!
No John you are not a typical sample of this group. I have been on it
for over a decade
as have the two Richards and Roy. During that time we had a lot of
experts on hand that supplied info to the rest of us. But one by one
they all left because of personal attacks as the latest newcomers will
find to their cost. But I and Cecil and a couple of others are
standing our ground despite the reputation of this group. We are
interested in ham radio and ideas and do not subscribe to the idea
that all is known and if disputed must be crushed.
I have a small 160 metre antenna on top of my tower that is in
equilibrium,resonant and without the need for a ground. It is viewable
by anybody especially those with small gardens that are excluded from
that band. Why on earth would three guys try to suppress that fact?
What is it in there that they have a desire to supress? Would a full
size antenna small enough for a mobile without external loads or
ground requirements to get on 160 metres a real threat to ham radio?
John, you made Vincents antenna for yourself to obtain the facts. It
is not perfect but it is something new.You know Vincent was and is
under attack. The antenna
may not be perfect but some thing is new so hams ditch the baby with
the purifying water.