On Jan 14, 9:06 am, "AI4QJ" wrote:
"Derek" wrote in message
On Jan 14, 7:36 am, "AI4QJ" wrote:
"Derek" wrote in message
On Jan 14, 2:02 am, "AI4QJ" wrote:
"Derek" wrote in message
On Jan 13, 2:55 pm, "AI4QJ" wrote:
"Derek" wrote in message
On Jan 13, 1:15 pm, "AI4QJ" wrote:
You made a positive statement, You called Art a "liar"
I absolutely did not! Show my a quote where I used thre word liar. I
him a fibber. Big difference.
Yes, it's semantics, that's precisely why you are getting confused.
(or whomever you are).
Do you have a call sign or something else that shows us who you are? I'm
sure you're not hiding your personhood intentionally, "Derek".
I am a retiree like many on this group living in Perth Australia,
who after many years of following this group has a great belief that
Art can do as he claims.
I am also a great believer in fair play, and calling someone a
fibber (liar) on open message without proof is not fair play in my
You may have a great faith in art but not quite enough to say so publically,
do you? It is easy to be an art unwin groupie (no...NOT so easy for most),
taking an insane position under the cloak of anonymity. For that reason, I
really think you have reservations. If you really believed in antennas that
shot particles out the ends, you would say so in the open! I googled your
userid and I see that you exclusively post only on rraa and only as a
cheerleader for arts theories on rraa. I have not seen one post of your's
that had any technical content. Fibber? You saw he defined is "small"
antenna at 18 feet; that's not small; anybody could load a stinger that long
with a coil and transmit at 160m so you're damn right it was a "fib". See
ya Derek, knowing that you have nothing technical to offer and that I don't
need to be bothered all the time by the unwin groupie cheerleader; plonk.
You say I am taking an insane position. You also say I have
You know my name is Derek and that I live in Australia.
Art states he has an antenna for 160m on the top of his tower,I have
not seen it neither have you.
Over the years Art has stated many facts about this antenna.It is in
equilibrium without loading which also means it does not require a
ground plane ie direct connection to the feed line.
I also assume that impedance is termed as an acceptable level with a
suitable SWR so it can be driven,If it is on top of the tower with no
other support "most" would consider that small for 160m.
Now you can call him a liar, and I believe that he is not.!
So..... I am willing to raise the money for a wager based on the
above where you may place other conditions in this quest to determine
if Art is a liar or not.
You can also choose the judge, and who holds the money since I am
in Australia.
If we come to an agreement on terms I am willing to put down up to
All of the above is subject to Arts agreement for access to his
of course.