Info please: E.F. Johnson painting
al goss wrote:
Have a Ranger 1 that can use some attention : painting...who does or where
can one obtain duplicolor paint to match with the black with purple hue ?
Some one does front panel silk- screening also?
tnx AL
Dee (W4PNT) does a rather incredible job with Rangers and Valiants.
Some (me, included) think they're too good. I have one of his Valiant
re-paints and the silk screening for the front panel is 101% original,
no lie! The problem (sic) is that his process uses a clear coat final
that makes the cabinetry too glossy. Perfect, but glossy rather than
the slightly dull EFJ original. Having said that, and even in
consideration of the cost(s), its a good idea if your rig is messed up,
paint wise. Info is as follows:
Dee Almquist W4PNT Shack: (540) 249-3161 Fax: (540) 249-5064 voice
mail: (800)755-2365
If its paint, only, that you need, I'd recommend a professional
automotive paint supplier/batcher. In MD, we have McHenry Automotive.
They use a color densitometer and do a very nice job, although sometimes
I have to have them re-batch with a small correction for dullness. I
use them for my various O.D. MIL paints, too. I'm sure you must have
one of these operations in your area. Just check with a high quality
body shop and ask where they buy their paint.
Regards Jeep/K3HVG