"The Shadow" ) writes:
Reader Digest used to do an article once a year which showed how long
a person must work just to pay his her taxes--last I seen (years ago)
it was past April headed for June; anyone read that article lately?
If you really cared about the newsgroups, bozo, you wouldn't be posting
off topic junk to them.
This is no better than when you posted about dog food to rec.radio.shortwave,
and then turned around and changed your user name so we'd think you
were someone else.
Just because idiots abuse the newsgroups is not a reason for other idiots
to follow.
You didn't need to add anything to this thread, and keep it off topic.
You certainly didn't need to change the subject header so it looks
like you are starting another thread, a completely off topic thread to boot.
YOu could also consider that some idiot cross-posted this thread in the
first place, which is always a good reason for off-topic junk to start
up, and by adding to that mess, you just continue it all. Usually, if it's
cross-posted, you shouldn't reply (since virtually no cross-posting serves
a purpose, it is indeed the mark of someone too lazy to find the appropraite
place to post).
Finally, the only way you could be dazzled by the idea of someone making
tubes at home is because you lack depth beyond your ability to post links.
YOu saw it posted somewhere else, I don't for a minute believe you found
it through hard work on your own behalf, and like other people decided
it was "too good" to not post in yet another newsgroup, just like others
before you posted to other newsgroups where you found it.
Come up with something original, like the exact date of that 1964 article
in QST (or perhaps it was CW) where there was an article about an Argentinian
who made tubes at home. Because then you'd prove this isn't a sudden and
new thing, despite the internet wrapptings, and you'd actually add something
to the discussion, beyond an ability to use search engines.
Or spend some time in a used book store, finding and then buying the books
that might be relevant to the discussion, and then start making the tubes
Michael VE2BVW