Belmont 1050 chassis after extensive rebuilding
"Brenda Ann" wrote in message
"William Sommerwerck" wrote in message
. ..
Based on what I can figure out, the plate current is 1mA. That should
put the cathode voltage at 60V, not 70V -- which still seems rather high.
I assume you've checked the obvious stuff like the resistor values.
Indeed I have. In fact, every component but the tube itself in the circuit
is new, as I had to rebuild the power supply, first audio, driver, output,
detector and AGC circuits back to factory design. This one's a puzzle
for me. The voltages on that stage are strange. Plate voltage is quite
high, IIRC, around 240 volts, and the grid is at essentially zero. It's
supposed to be a part of that squelch circuit, I'm sure... perhaps it's
staying in the squelched mode for some reason.
I like to say that "science" is not about "facts", but about asking the
right questions. I think you've made the right observation -- the unit is
stuck in squelch mode.
One other possibility... double-check your wiring. (No offense intended.)