In article , MGFoster
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I saw this 50 ohm "terminator" BNC connector at Radio Shack today and
was wondering if it could be used as an antenna dummy load? It is
designed as a computer network terminator - just a female jack without
any output connector. I believe the only question would be "Could it
stand the power output?" What if the output was just 5W? Anybody know
about this product or have used it as a dummy load?
It'd sure save the price of a "real" dummy antenna (it was priced about
$4.00 USD).
Hello, and I've got a whole box of these in my networking lab (from the
old 10Base2 days). A terminator certainly could be used as a dummy load
but I would probably keep the average RF power delivered it under 1 W.
Not sure how useful that would be even for a QRP setup. Sincerely, and
73s from N4GGO,
John Wood (Code 5550) e-mail:
Naval Research Laboratory
4555 Overlook Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20375-5337