On Jan 21, 1:04 am, Owen Duffy wrote:
Can anyone point me to information on calculating the effective resistance,
including proximity effect, of conductors in a two wire open transmission
Reg Edwards' "LINE_ZIN" program includes a term for proximity effect.
It happens to be one of the programs for which he provided Pascal
source code. There are a couple lines of interest:
Rc:=2*Sqrt(Freq)*Len/12/Dia; { conductor
resistance }
Rc:=Rc/Sqrt(1-Sqr(Dia/Space)*(1-Sqrt(SD/Dia))); { corrected for
proximity }
I'd suggest you look up the source code yourself, though, and make
sure that taking these two lines out of context doesn't destroy their
meaning. The above two lines are taken from the archive at
There's what seems to me to be a pretty nice qualitative explanation
of proximity effect at
http://www.sigcon.com/Pubs/news/4_1.htm. I
realize that's not what you asked about, but lurkers may be interested
in it.