An additional comment. Are you aware that Cubex is now offering 11-meter
quads? Conversely, are you aware that there are a number of good books on
quad theory and construction? Just trying to help...
El Rancho R.F., Ca
"Johnny V. Mullins" wrote
Hi, group. I'm considering an attempt at building a quad antenna for 11
The plans I have, leave some of the details to the builder.
It's my understanding that the driven element needs to be fed VIA a balun.
I emailed a person with baluns "for sale" listed on ebay. He replied that
thought I needed a 4:1 balun for a quad.
It's was my understanding that the balun should be a 1:1 ??
Anyone in the group care to advise me on this question ??
Any help and /or advise on the building of the 4 element 11 meter Quad
be appreciated :-) !!